Good Enough is Good Enough


Have you been plagued by the desire to do everything “right”? Do you have difficulty stepping away from projects that haven’t gone to plan? Or finishing projects because you can’t get them exactly how they’re supposed to be? Do you believe better is well, better?

Many of us are perfectionists. We’re sure getting it right, 100% right, all day, every day is the only way to move through the world.


Perfectionism is not innate. It’s a pattern of behavior, often learned to accommodate demanding people in our lives. These people occupy positions of authority; we know if we’re less than perfect, we’ll suffer the consequences.

We’ll be harangued.

We’ll be forced to redo, often from the beginning.

Understand perfection doesn’t exist. We can approximate it, often at great personal cost. Which leads to the reason we need to let go of the notion of perfection and negotiate the thorny road we’ve found ourselves upon.

Where possible, the best approach, the best way to deal with these people who demand the impossible, is to remove them or ourselves. If we can’t do either, we need to shift our mindset. Give it all you have, your everything. Or, better yet, give most of who you are. Or what you can spare. Save something for yourself, then step back. Then, step away.




It may take a moment (or two or twenty) to convince yourself, but good enough is good enough.